5. Pandas的Series的CURD




import pandas as pd
idx = "hello the cruel world".split()
val = range(10, 14)
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print s


hello    10
the      11
cruel    12
world    13
dtype: int64

5.2 读取数据


  • 通过label或者位置的方式访问、修改Series数据。
import pandas as pd
idx = "hello the cruel world".split()
val = range(10, 14)
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print s
print s["hello"]
s["hello"] = 100
s[1] = 110
print s
  • iteritems函数可以获得标签和值。
import pandas as pd
idx = "hello the cruel world".split()
val = range(10, 14)
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)

for x in s.iteritems():
    print x


('hello', 10)
('the', 11)
('cruel', 12)
('world', 13)

5.3 修改数据

  • 可以通过label或位置信息修改对应的数据,例如上边程序里的
s["hello"] = 100
s[1] = 110
  • 当然也可用iloc、loc、at、iat等来处理。
import pandas as pd
idx = "hello the cruel world".split()
val = range(10, 14)
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print s
s[0] = 100
s.loc["the"] = 101
s.at['cruel'] = 201
s.ix[3] = 300
print s


hello    10
the      11
cruel    12
world    13
dtype: int64
hello    100
the      101
cruel    201
world    300
dtype: int64

5.4 增加数据

  • 通过append、set_value函数为series增加数据。
import pandas as pd
idx = "hello the cruel world".split()
val = range(10, 14)
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print s, "<-org"
s = s.append(pd.Series({"this":9}))
s = s.append(pd.Series({"this":10}))
print s, "<-append"
s.set_value("this", 8)
print s, "<-set_value"


hello    10
the      11
cruel    12
world    13
dtype: int64 <-org
hello    10
the      11
cruel    12
world    13
this      9
this     10
dtype: int64 <-append
hello    10
the      11
cruel    12
world    13
this      8
this      8
dtype: int64 <-set_value


5.5 删除数据


import pandas as pd
idx = "hello the cruel world".split()
val = range(10, 14)
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print s, "<-org"
t = s[s > 11]
print t,"<- bool sel"
print s,"<- still"


hello    10
the      11
cruel    12
world    13
dtype: int64 <-org
cruel    12
world    13
dtype: int64 <- bool sel
hello    10
the      11
cruel    12
world    13
dtype: int64 <- still

新生成的t是通过t = s[s > 11]语句得到的(布尔选择),而s没有变化。t为:

cruel    12
world    13
dtype: int64 <- bool sel