01. Scipy Tutorial-简要介绍
- Scipy其重要组成部分的各个子包如下:
Sicpy包含的子包 | 功能 |
cluster | --- Vector Quantization / Kmeans |
fftpack | --- Discrete Fourier |
integrate | --- Integration routines |
interpolate | --- Interpolation Tools |
io | --- Data input and output |
lib | --- Python wrappers to |
lib.lapack | --- Wrappers to LAPACK library |
linalg | --- Linear algebra routines |
misc | --- Various utilities that don't have another home. |
ndimage | --- n-dimensional image package |
odr | --- Orthogonal Distance Regression |
optimize | --- Optimization Tools |
signal | --- Signal Processing Tools |
sparse | --- Sparse Matrices |
sparse.linalg | --- Sparse Linear Algebra |
sparse.linalg.dsolve | --- Linear Solvers |
sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack | --- :Interface to the UMFPACK library |
sparse.linalg.eigen.lobpcg | --- Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned |
special | --- Airy Functions [*] |
lib.blas | --- Wrappers to BLAS library [*] |
sparse.linalg.eigen | --- Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers [*] |
stats | --- Statistical Functions [*] |
lib | --- Python wrappers to external libraries |
lib.lapack | --- Wrappers to LAPACK library [*] |
integrate | --- Integration routines [*] |
ndimage | --- n-dimensional image package [*] |
linalg | --- Linear algebra routines [*] |
spatial | --- Spatial data structures and algorithms |
special | --- Airy Functions |
stats | --- Statistical Functions |
- 查帮助 1) 用help和dir来查某包下的某函数模块的帮助 2)用numpy的info来查看scipy相关内容的帮助。
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.info(scipy.linalg)